There is a lot of talk but no one is talking. We divide our focus between the online and offline worlds, but the online realm seems to be advancing rapidly. As the world becomes smaller with newer ways to connect, lack of real connection seems to grow bigger. We are texting, typing, talking to screens, explaining our needs and problems to apps, but expressing our anger at AI chat boxes. Customer service is becoming less human by the day and Searchkiya wants to change this.

What is Searchkiya?
Searchkiya is the brainchild of Moha Global, a Mumbai based full-service creative agency. It is an ‘unsearch’ engine that is simplifying the way we search. Significantly, users are promised a personalised experience with which they can skip the browsing, brainstorming, bargaining and buying that comes with e-commerce. “It’s simple with Searchkiya, you don’t have to search”, asserts Dipa Nakhawa, the pioneer of “Some customers have very specific needs, and some of them might have a vague idea of what they want. With needs so diverse, we must move beyond the one size fits all approach. The entire process can be more effective with simple human communication. Just a clear, direct phone call” adds Amit Sharda, co-founder, as he refers to’s unique process.
How It works
Searchkiya team swears by their rule of 7. Customers get a call from the team within 7 minutes of raising a request on their website. An executive takes down a detailed brief of the required product or service along with the customer’s budget and timeline. A quote is shared with the customer within 70 minutes to 7 hours of this call and most of the orders are delivered within 7 days of placing an order.

How Searchkiya can change it all
“Whether it’s a product or service, most users begin their search online. Endless search results confuse users, causing them to waste time sorting through irrelevant links and ineffective chatbots. Even if they manage to find the desired product or service, often delivery dates are uncertain or users end up exceeding their budgets,” explains Dipa. Consequently, Searchkiya is addressing the problems of choice-overload, limited products and services, low regard for customer’s budget and timeline, lack of customization, delayed quotes, uncertain deliveries, and a lot more with their extensive vendor database and industry experience over 7+ Years.
Dipa who is best known for her creative work across industries, has been into the field of advertising for over 15 years and has scaled up the career ladder, with a repute of being dependable and preferred. She balances creativity while keeping the brand’s commercial proposition non-ambiguous & distinct. Amit is an excellent strategist with a strong business acumen. Markedly, a globetrotter, he started his journey with a small plastic manufacturing unit and went to expand it into diversified export business with offices across India, U.A.E and China. Together they have leveraged their experience with MOHA Global – in three distinct wings.
MOHA Advertising, MOHA Curations, MOHA Expos. Ideating International IPs to executing international road shows, conceptualizing remarkable print & digital campaigns. Also, launching FMCG brands, positioning brands with sharp corporate communications to curating niche corporate events. They have done it all over the years across 20+ industries and 200+ clients. Seasoned in the arena of searching and delivering just right for their clients, the creative agency is all set to cater to the masses with